Hafith Institutions

Name of Institute: Madrassa tu Nur
Principal: Ml. Nur Scott
Physical Address: 103 Orion Road, Surrey Est.
Telephone Contact: 072 786 1903
Fax: [Company Fax]
Email:    mogamatscott@gmail.com

Name of Institute: Al Furqaan
Principal: Sh . Waseem Abrahams
Physical Address: 75 Aries road, Surrey Est.
Telephone Contact:       082 433 6130
Fax: [Company Fax]
Email:      waseemabrahams@gmail.com

Name of Institute:       Dar Hafs
Principal:        Hafith Siraaj Tape
Physical Address:      19 Taurus Road, Surrey Est.
Telephone Contact: 083 634 4245
Fax: [Company Fax]
Email:        siraajtape1@gmail.com

Name of Institute: Madrasatul Miftaagul Ilm
Principal:  MI. Adil Johaar
Physical Address: 9 College Road, Gatesville
Telephone Contact:       083 5586 444
Fax: [Company Fax]
Email:      ma.johaar@gmail.com

Name of Institute: Darul Islam Girls Haafith Inst.
Principal: H. Fatima Abrahams
Physical Address: 12 Gonubie rd , Surrey Est.
Telephone Contact:  021 – 824 1986 / 082 460 5689/ 083 961 4224
Fax: [Company Fax]
Email: darulhaafieth@gmail.com

Name of Institute:  Hidaayatul Mutaqeen Hafith Inst
Principal: Ml. Farouk Girie
Physical Address: 23 Ernest road, Rylands Estate
Telephone Contact: 021- 637 0729 / 084 977 9008
Fax: [Company Fax]
Email: [Company E-mail]

Name of Institute: Madraasa tul Ihsaan
Principal: H. Dawood
Physical Address: 67 Ernest road, Rylands Estate
Telephone Contact: 082 210 9875
Fax: [Company Fax]
Email: hdawood87@hotmail.com

Name of Institute: Dar al Turath al Islami
Principal: Ml. Afzal Hatia
Physical Address: 10 Church Str. Athlone CBD
Telephone Contact: 072 8006 6001 / 021 697 0515
Fax: [Company Fax]
Email:    admin@daralturath.co.za

Name of Institute:     Madrassa Tul Uthmania
Principal:      Sh . Ebrahim Floris
Physical Address: 7 Lynburg Road, Hanover Park
Telephone Contact:     083 44 333 62
Fax: [Company Fax]
Email:  shebrahimfloris@gmail.com

Name of Institute: Darul Islam Boys Hafith Inst
Principal: H. Fatima Abrahams
Physical Address: Darul Islam Masjid, Gonubie Rd , Surrey Estate
Telephone Contact: 021 – 824 1986 / 082 460 5689/ 083 961 4224
Fax: [Company Fax]
Email:  darulhaafieth@gmail.com

Name of Institute: Madrassa Sautul Quran
Principal: Sh. Abdul Aziz Brown
Physical Address: 8 King Street, Sherwood Park
Telephone Contact: 083 511 2303/ Mariam 079 806 1250
Fax: [Company Fax]
Email: brownmariam@hotmail.com

Name of Institute: Dar al Tarbiyah Quraan Inst.
Principal: Sh. Abdullah Raban
Physical Address: Masjidus Sunni, Anglesey rd, Rondebosch East
Telephone Contact: 021 – 839 2727 / 072 145 0009
Fax: [Company Fax]
Email: info@daraltarbiyah.com

Name of Institute: Madrassa Ahlil Quran
Principal: Sh. Mahdi Nackerdien
Physical Address: 42 Gideon Road, Newfields
Telephone Contact: 082 828 0476
Fax: [Company Fax]
Email: mahdinackerdien@gmail.com

Name of Institute: Ibn Al Jazary Institute
Principal: Mushfiqah Dreyer
Physical Address: 30 Carlier Road, Penlyn Estate
Telephone Contact: 021 – 691 4093 / 081 595 5837
Fax: [Company Fax]
Email: ibnaljazary@gmail.com

Name of Institute:Darusalaam Hafith Inst
Principal: Sh. Muneeb Johardien
Physical Address: Masjid us Salaam, St. Athens Road, Athlone
Telephone Contact: 072 317 0304
Fax: [Company Fax]
Email: neebio.j@gmail.com

Name of Institute: Dar Ubaiy
Principal: Sh. Ismail Londt
Physical Address: 22 Hazel Road, Gatesville
Telephone Contact: 021 6333099/ 084 993 1839
Fax: [Company Fax]
Email: info@darubaiy.co.za

Name of Institute: Al Manaar Hafith Inst.
Principal: Sh. M Fouad Gabier
Physical Address: Little Street, Athlone (CBD)
Telephone Contact: 072 640 7506 / 081 045 2527
Fax: [Company Fax]
Email: mafgabier@yahoo.com

Name of Institute:Darul Islam Hafith Inst.
Principal: H Fatima Abrahams
Physical Address: 12 Gonubie Road, Surrey Est.
Telephone Contact: 021 824 1986 / 082 460 5689
Fax: [Company Fax]
Email: darulhaafieth@gmail.com

Name of Institute:Daaroel Foerqon
Principal: Aisha Ceres
Physical Address: 17 Blyvoor Street, Vanguard Est.
Telephone Contact: 021 633 1953 / 082 429 3524
Fax: [Company Fax]
Email: daaroelfoerqon@gmail.com

Name of Institute:Dar al Tarbiyahal Islamyah Hafith Inst.
Principal: Abdulla Raban
Physical Address: Masjidus Sunni, Rondebosch East
Telephone Contact: 072 145 0009 / 021 839 2727
Fax: [Company Fax]
Email: info@daraltarbiyah.com

Name of Institute:Dar Tayyibah An Nashr
Principal: Igsaan Davids
Physical Address:      4 Gemini Road, Surrey Est.
Telephone Contact: 076 582 9166 / 021 633 8807
Fax: [Company Fax]
Email: [Company E-mail]

Name of Institute:Dar Al Shifaa’ Hafith School
Principal: Rafiq Salie
Physical Address: Shukrul Mubeen Masjid, Lansdowne
Telephone Contact: 021 762 92 73 / 084 299 3127
Fax: [Company Fax]
Email: saliemog@gmail.com

Name of Institute:Da’iratul ilm Haafidh Inst.
Principal: Mujahid Toefy
Physical Address: 48 Hood Road, Sunnyside Crawford
Telephone Contact: 083 312 7667 / 021 637 7279
Fax: [Company Fax]
Email: dairatulilm@gmail.com

Name of Institute:Dar al Wadood Haafieth Inst.
Principal: H Ayesha Majiet
Physical Address: 33 St. Silas road, Sunnyside Athlone
Telephone Contact: 073 902 1984 / 021 – 697 1245
Fax: [Company Fax]
Email:  tahfeeth667@gmail.com

Name of Institute:Nurush Shabaab Hifth School
Principal: Abdul Hameed Brown/ H Aneesa Jabaar
Physical Address: Bridgetown Masjid, Ikhwatul Islam
Telephone Contact: 076 6644 387
Fax: [Company Fax]
Email: aneesajabaar@gmail.com

Name of Institute: At Tartil Institute
Principal: Sh. Igsaan Abrahams
Physical Address: Bega Road , Wynberg
Telephone Contact: 084 615 8949
Fax: [Company Fax]
Email: [Company E-mail]

Name of Institute: Darul – Ihsaan Tahfeeth
Principal: H. Bilquis Alexander
Physical Address: 30 Castletown road, Wynberg
Telephone Contact: 079 960 85 79
Fax: [Company Fax]
Email: darul.ihsaan.tahfeeth@gmail.com

Name of Institute: Imaam Shaatiebi Inst. For Quranic Education
Principal:    Sh. Muneer Satardien
Physical Address: 11 Sandy Road, Schaapkraal
Telephone Contact: 076 588 9478 / 021 699 0571
Fax: [Company Fax]
Email: muneer83@gmail.com

Name of Institute: Darul Rahmaan Lie Tahfeethul Quran
Principal: Sh. Abdurahmaan Salie
Physical Address: Harvey road Masjid, Claremont
Telephone Contact: [Company Phone]
Fax: 072922 9855 / (h)-021 7625017

Name of Institute: Imam Nawawie Inst. for Quranic Studies
Principal:      Sh. Haroon Moos
Physical Address:
Telephone Contact: 071 146 3138
Fax: [Company Fax]
Email: harunmoos@gmail.com

Name of Institute: Darul Rahmaan Tahfeethul Quran
Principal: Ml. Riedwaan Berry
Physical Address: Darul Rahmaan Masjid, Lavender Hill
Telephone Contact: 063 398 3683
Fax: [Company Fax]
Email: riedwaanberry@gmail.com

Name of Institute: Jam ‘Eyyatul Quraa – Male Hafith Inst.
Principal:  Sh.Abdul Kareem Davids
Physical Address: Schaapkraal and Kraal Road, Schaapkraal
Telephone Contact: 021 – 703 9324
Fax: [Company Fax]
Email:  mhi@jeq.co.za

Name of Institute: Madressa Fatimataz Zahraa- Hifz depart
Principal: Ml. Khaleel Osman
Physical Address: 4 Knole Park Avenue, Schaapkraal
Telephone Contact: 084 748 7639
Fax: [Company Fax]
Email: khaleelosmannadwi@gmail.com

Name of Institute: Al Ameen Hafith School
Principal: Sh Allie Davids
Physical Address: 12 Ave, Schaapkraal Erf 667
Telephone Contact:       076 100 4654
Fax: [Company Fax]
Email:  alie.davids@hotmail.com

Name of Institute: Tullaburrahmaan Hafith School
Principal: Ml. Rashid Khaki
Physical Address: 180 Lake Road, Zeekoeivlei
Telephone Contact: 021 705 3109 / 073 518 2984
Fax: [Company Fax]
Email: [Company E-mail]

Name of Institute: Markaz Iqraa – il Quraan
Principal: Sh. Abduragmaan Davids
Physical Address: 340 7th Avenue Lotus River
Telephone Contact: 073 0434820/ 078 401 3624
Fax: [Company Fax]
Email: abduragmaandavids@gmail.com/amd72mig@gmail.com

Name of Institute: Dar Ahlil Quran
Principal: H. Maheerah Abdulrazaak
Physical Address: Masjidul – Fatgh, Old Strandfontein Rd, Ottery
Telephone Contact: 079 6001980
Fax: [Company Fax]
Email: daraq@telkomsa.net

Name of Institute: Majlisul Quraan
Principal: Ml. Abdul Aziz Vallie
Physical Address: 21 Loerie rd, Pelican Park
Telephone Contact: 083 988 5105 (M) 084 519 5970 (F)
Fax: [Company Fax]
Email: majlisulqraan4hafith@gmail.com

Name of Institute: Cape Quran Academia
Principal: Sh. Fareez Hendricks   060 971 9821
Physical Address: Majidul Munowar, Retreat
Telephone Contact: 021 – 704 1873, Shaheeda-   0746680139 WhatsApp
Fax: [Company Fax]
Email: capequranacademia@gmail.com

Name of Institute: Darun – Nissa
Principal: H. Muna Parker
Physical Address: 12 Schaap Rd Schaapkraal
Telephone Contact: 083 721 5758
Fax: [Company Fax]
Email: munaparker@gmail.com \ darunnisaa@gmail.com

Name of Institute:   Abdullah Bin Masood
Principal: Sh. Mohammad Adams
Physical Address: 19 13th Street Kensington
Telephone Contact: 082 438 3738
Fax: [Company Fax]
Email: [Company E-mail]

Name of Institute: Madrassa tul Anwaar
Principal: H. Fatima Shabudien Abrahams
Physical Address: Pinelands
Telephone Contact: 072 581 7868
Fax: [Company Fax]
Email: fsabrahms@gmail.com

Name of Institute:   Langa Madrassa
Principal: Ml. Mohammad Lutta
Physical Address:
Telephone Contact: 083 371 2645
Fax: [Company Fax]
Email: [Company E-mail]

Name of Institute: Dar Al Tafawwuq
Principal: Ml. Waseem Hendricks
Physical Address: Kooloodul Moemeneen Masjid, Goodwood
Telephone Contact: 084 369 9255
Fax: [Company Fax]
Email: darualtafawwuq@gmail.com

Name of Institute: Ad – Deen hafith Inst.
Principal: Fadludeen Mukkadam
Physical Address:    Husami Masjid, Cravenby
Telephone Contact: 072 524 4751
Fax: [Company Fax]
Email: areeb.m786@gmail.com

Name of Institute: Hidayatul Islam Hafith School
Principal: Sh. Abdulla Awaldien
Physical Address: Hidayatul Islam Masjid, 9th Street, Kensington
Telephone Contact: 082 655 4789 /021 – 5391340
Fax: [Company Fax]
Email: aawaldien@vodamail.co.za

Name of Institute:   Dar ul Falaahayn Inst.
Principal: Sh. Hoosain Dalvi
Physical Address: Panorama Masjid, 1 Wendy Way Panorama
Telephone Contact:   082 657 9450
Fax: [Company Fax]
Email: hoosaindalvi@gmail.com

Name of Institute: Madrassa Ikhwatul Quran
Principal: H. Igsaan Sedick
Physical Address: Al Markaz Al Islami, Dowblom Str. Kalksteenfontein
Telephone Contact: 079867 0756
Fax: [Company Fax]
Email:   ikhwatulquran@gmail.com

Name of Institute: Ilhaam Learning Centre
Principal: Zaheera Teladia
Physical Address: Panorama
Telephone Contact: 063 306 3999
Fax: [Company Fax]
Email: ilhaameducation@gmail.com

Name of Institute: Ma’had Al Quran
Principal: Sh. Ismail Berdien
Physical Address: Mitchells Plain
Telephone Contact: 083 483 6441
Fax: [Company Fax]
Email: mahaadalquran13@gmail.com

Name of Institute: Ibaadur Rahmaan Hafith School
Principal: Ml. Adnaan Wickstrom
Physical Address: Masjid ul Mieftaag, Lentegeur M/Plain
Telephone Contact:  082 763 4160
Fax: [Company Fax]
Email: adnaanwickstrom@gmail.com

Name of Institute: Madrassa Tahfeethul Quran
Principal: Sh.Ashraf Khan
Physical Address: Salamuddin Masjid, New Lenteguer
Telephone Contact: 082 822 5529/ 084 232 3138
Fax: [Company Fax]
Email: Sheik.khan1@yahoo.com

Name of Institute: Madrassa tul Ansaar
Principal: Ml. Toyer Leak
Physical Address: Mithchells Plain
Telephone Contact: 076 910 3492
Fax: [Company Fax]
Email: toyerleak@icloud.com

Name of Institute: Madrassa tul Qurraa
Principal: Ml. Sameer Valli
Physical Address: Al Masjiduth Thaanie, Rockland M/Plain
Telephone Contact: 083 289 5506 / 021 – 391 5286
Fax: [Company Fax]
Email: [Company E-mail]

Name of Institute:   Madrassatul Munthiereen Girls School
Principal: Ml. Yazeed Jabaar / Ruwayda Jabaar
Physical Address: Daru Haaniem , 2 AsterStr. Lentegeur, M/ Plain
Telephone Contact: 083 417 8635 / 078 371 3832
Fax: [Company Fax]
Email: munthiereen201@gmail.com

Name of Institute: Mieftahhul Quran Hafith School
Principal: Im. Shafiek
Physical Address: Darul Hikma Building, Masjid uth Thaanie, Rockland M/ Plain
Telephone Contact: 060 466 6135
Fax: [Company Fax]
Email: [Company E-mail]

Name of Institute: Madrassa tul Falaah
Principal: Ml. Yunus Essop
Physical Address:  Zinatul Islam Masjid, District Six
Telephone Contact: 083 717 2419 / 021 447 7012
Fax: [Company Fax]
Email: yunus.essop@gmail.com

Name of Institute: Darul Quran
Principal: Sh. Siraaj Johaar
Physical Address: 134 Buitengracht Street, Cape Town 8001
Telephone Contact: 082 968 7254 (021) 797 6543
Fax: [Company Fax]
Email: serag.johaar@gmail.com

Name of Institute: Madressatul Hakimiyah Al Islamiyah
Principal: Sh. Moeneeb Fritz / H. Umar Davids
Physical Address: Sanvlei, Macassar
Telephone Contact: 078 871 5003 / 062 350 1013
Fax: [Company Fax]
Email: hakimislam91@gmail.com

Name of Institute: Al Azhar Hafith School
Principal: Sh. Mukhtaar Abrahams
Physical Address: Paarl
Telephone Contact: 021 – 862 5115 / 078 426 8410
Fax: [Company Fax]
Email: [Company E-mail]

Name of Institute:     Al Furqaan Hafith School
Principal: H. Ridhwaan Rhoda
Physical Address: 1 Volk Str. Charleston Hill, Paarl
Telephone Contact: 021 – 862 7525 / 072 256 7111
Fax: [Company Fax]
Email: ridwhanrhoda@gmail.com