Al Azhar Primary School
Corner Highlands Drive and Jakes Gerwel Drive
Hyde Park
Mitchell’s Plain
081 257 2851
Al Azhar Institute
Mahadul Islam Complex
Lappert Street
021 862 5115
Belhar Islamic Primary School
Syringa Crescent
021 952 3872
Crescent Primary School
2a Chadwin Road
021 822 0661
Darul Islam Primary School
Corner Genootskap and Wilhelmus Road
Surrey Estate
021 633 7424
Douglas Road Primary School
63 Douglas Road
021 797 9533
Habibia Primary School
40 Johnston Road
Rylands Estate
021 638 4605
Hidayatul Islam Primary School
Corner Tenth Street and Second Avenue
021 593 7544
Ieglaasinieyah Primary School
Kyalami Street
Beacon Valley
Mitchell’s Plain
021 376 7614
Islamia Primary School
409 Lansdowne Road
021 696 5600
Madrasatu Tarbiyya Primary School – Boys
Corner Masjidus Sabr and Blackbird Avenue
Parkwood Estate
021 706 3266
Madrasatu Tarbiyya Primary School – Girls
19 Eleventh Avenue
Eagle Park
(Between Zeekovlei and Lotus River)
Muhammediyah Primary School
103 Batts Road
021 797 8047
Rahmaniyeh Primary School
Constitution Street
District 6
021 465 2591
Schotsche Kloof Primary School
Tanabaru Street
Cape Town
021 424 5859
Talfalah Primary School
Corner Fourth Avenue and King Street
Sherwood Park
021 691 0352
Strand Muslim Primary School
Nolte Street
021 854 6123
Worcester Muslim Primary School
110 Africa Street
023 347 1568