The MJC (SA) welcomes President Cyril Ramaphosa address to the nation on the Coronavirus and the directives given to all South Africans
As a matter of urgency the MJC (SA) will meet with its Fatwa Department and other structures on Monday morning 16 March, as we respond to current status quo as outlined by the State President on Sunday evening.
The MJC (SA) has been proactive in having a public session with a panel of local experts and scholars on Wednesday 11 March where important information and guidelines where provided. The MJC has remained in close consultation with the panel of medical professionals from the Islamic Medical Association IMA, in the Western Cape and Pathcare on how best to approach the Coronavirus pandemic.
The prohibition of gatherings where the numbers exceed 100 will impact severely on certain of our religious obligations especially the Jumuah Salaah. We want to content the community that broad-based consultations on local and national levels will take place to ensure the best way forward.
The MJC calls upon the community to remain vigilant and to empower themselves with relevant information on how to prevent contamination. We echoe the call of the State President that every component of our society must play a role and work together to combat this pandemic
Outcomes of all deliberations will be communicated to the community.