In lieu of second wave, MJC (SA) calls for vigilance
by MJC
Posted on December 11, 2020
Community / Environmental Affairs / Fatwa / Halal / Media / Media Centre / Press Release / Press Releases / Social Development
by MJC
Posted on December 11, 2020
Community / Environmental Affairs / Fatwa / Halal / Media / Media Centre / Press Release / Press Releases / Social Development
The Muslim consumer feels justifiably misled by Foodlover’s Market’s weekly brochure, stating that the Access Park store in Cape Town is “strictly halaal”.
The Halal certificate of Fresher’s Butchery’s at Food Lover’s Market in Access Park, Cape Town, has been suspended with immediate effect by the Muslim Judicial Council’s Halaal Trust (MJCHT).
The Muslim Judicial Council’s Halaal Trust is concerned The Greek Fisherman restaurant on the V&A Waterfront produced an outdated and invalid halaal certificate to patrons to substantiate that they are…
A recent article entitled “Christians war on Halaal” – published 01 April 2018 – made certain claims pertaining to the Halaal certification Industry in South Africa and gross misconceptions on…
While the halal certification processes at abattoirs and manufacturing plants include hygiene and food safety compliance, the Muslim Judicial Council Halal Trust (MJCHT) says it does not have the capacity…
The MJC Halaal Trust (MJCHT) noted the request for clarity on the status of KFC products in view of the negative social media postings in circulation.
The MJC Halaal Trust (MJCHT) has confirmed Air Chefs based at Cape Town International Airport is fully halaal compliant.
The MJC Halaal Trust DOES NOT certify any Foodlover’s Market stores in South Africa. However, certain sections in some of these stores, example: the butchery department, may be certified halaal.
The Muslim Judicial Council’s Halaal Trust (MJCHT) investigated a complaint from a consumer in which one of its labels was used on a non-halaal sandwich at Fedics, Sanlam Head office.