BIC Da’wah Caravan- Overberg
by MJC
Posted on October 21, 2020
Community / Community Outreach / Education / Events / Media Centre / Projects / Social Development / Ulema News
Saturday, October 17th
The Boland Islamic Council (BIC) is a member of the Regional Imaamat Council (RIC) of MJC (SA). They conduct a “Da’wah Caravan” trip to the outlying areas of the Boland and this particular one coincided with the ’63 commemorative trip by the MJC (SA) Leadership Garden Route Delegation.
Below is an initial report:
The BIC Da’wah Caravan- Overberg
17 – 18 October 2020
Visit all Masaajid and Salaah facilities in the Overberg Region.
Below: 1st Deputy President, Ml. Abdul Khaliq Ebrahim Allie with (From left) Ml. Huzaifah Allie, Im. Ali Reza, Ml. Shafick Abrahams, Ml. Gosyn Arnold
Left: Dua before embarking on the trip. Faure.
Right: Gordons Bay final meet up before leaving
Below: Struisbaai Musalla
Key points and outcomes were:
– Assessment of the growth of Islam in the Overberg
– Ratio of foreign Muslims and local Muslims
– Needs analysis of the Overberg
– Type of assistance that could be provided.
Below: Bredarsdorp Masjid
Above meeting the Ulama and community in Napier
The visibility of Islam in these areas are 50 % because of foreign Muslim traders settling in these areas.
First day we visited 5 areas. 3 of these areas documented mostly of Muslims to be foreigners in the area. They pioneers in setting up a place of worship with a madrasah.
(Swellendam and Napier has Somalian Imams and Caledon has a Malawian Imam.
They admit to the fact that language becomes the barrier of spreading Islam to locals in the area.
Next day we moved from Caledon to Genadendal where a Muslim man from Cape Town established a place of worship for Jumuah with the assistance of the local Bangali shop owner who donated part of his property for it.
* The condition in this area is so dire, that this particular individual, drives every Friday to this area from Cape Town. Then first pick up Muslims in the neighboring area of Greyton, – sometimes having to encourage them to come for “Jumuah – then proceed with Jumuah.
This brother states ” My first observation is that we and all Muslims need to be more visible in these areas” and he stresses the importance of the Cape Town community travelling to these beautiful parts of the Cape and mentions: “Our people must come with the intention of da’wah in any way possible.”
Additional to the condition of the community, the brother mentions “Ulamā taking the lead in these areas are in need of even just more regular meeting from other Ulamā.”
Swellendam Masjid meet with Imaam of the Masjid, Shaykh Ali Nur
– Log GPS coordinates of the salaah facilities for those on holiday.
– BIC or liason officer to set at least a quarterly program for visits.
– recommend graduating students at Cape Town Institutions of Higher Islamic Learning to spend weekends in the area to learn and get training from the local imaam, on how to work in these areas, and simultaneously strengthening him with support.
– Encourage post grads to spend a year in an area.
– Produce, acquire or avail Afrikaans literature for these areas
– For our Cape Town community to realise “Deen will spread with or without me. Do I want Allah’s favor and mercy?”
May Allah accept us again to travel these long distances.
May the feeling we experienced of meeting our brothers, traveling with Ulamā, the need of Islam in these areas be our drive.
May Allah accept me for the next trip Inshaa Allah.