MJC(SA) Presidential Leadership meets with al-Waagah at their new home!!!

by MJC

August 18,2021

MJC(SA) Presidential Leadership, President Shaykh Irafaan Abrahams; First Deputy President Moulana AbdulKhaliq Ebrahim Allie and the Secretary General Shaykh Zaid Dantie met with the Admistration of al-Waagah Institute for the Deaf at their newly purchased premises.


Shaykh Irafaan Abrahams, Moulana Abdul Khaliq Ebrahim Allie in discussions with Moulana Zaid De Wet (Principal of al-Waagah Madrassah) and Sister Farinaaz Samaai ( Treasurer & Fundraiser)



Former Sarah Fox Children’s Hospital, now the new al-Waagah Institute for the Deaf.

The New Home

Al-Waagah has placed a down payment on the property situated at the former Sarah Fox Children’s Hospital, 6 Petunia Road, Bridgetown, Cape Town, c/o Petunia Road and Lower Klipfontein Road.

Al-Waagah is an institute for the deaf, catering for the Academic educational needs and more importantly, Islamic religious studies for our deaf students. Al-Waagah is the only school of its kind that caters for these needs of our deaf, Muslim children as well as adult Muslim deaf community. We acknowledge that our disabled community has always been sidelined and this status must be altered. One such alteration is the Al-Waagah Institute and the MJC (SA) support to the Al-Waagah Institute.

Over the past two years the property had been vandalized by vagrants and opportunists. Al-Waagah  decided to purchased the property but will require the support from Corporates, the Muslim Community and Donors, to step forward and support this Institute that is, and intends to continue, servicing and connecting our deaf community with the Deen of Islam, the Quran and correct Aqeedah of the deaf, marginalized community.

The contact details for al-Waagah

The Muslim Judicial Council (SA) is calling upon all sectors of our community to get in contact with Al-Waagah. Our artisans, builders, plumbers, electricians and all others, let us band together in support of this institute.

Email:administrator@alwaagah.co.za Phone:+27 21 638-3368 https://alwaagah.co.za/

From left to right: Ml Mujaahid White (MJC Media), Ml Sabrie Davids (MJC EXCO), Sh Zaid Dantie (MJC SG), ML Abdul Khaliq Allie (MJC First Deputy President), Ml Zaid De Wet (Al-Waagah Madrasah Principal), Sh Irafaan Abrhams (MJC President), Yusuf Dollie (Deaf Adult) Fadiyah Dollie (Administrator) Farinaaz Samaai ( Treasurer & Fundraiser) Latifa Shabodien (Sign Language Interpetor and Coordinator)

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