Opening of Masjid Umar (RA) in Khayelitsha
by MJC
Posted on August 25, 2021
The MJC (SA) attended the opening of the new Masjid in Khayelitsha near the Swartklip/ Baden Powell intersection. Local ulama from the MJC (SA) Imaamat Council of the African Township (ICAT) was represented as well. the spearhead of this project is Ml Faizel Alexander in conjunction with Qaasimul Uloom senior teacher, Moulana Ashraf Lamara and the Ulama from the Tafelsig area.

Local members from the area attending the program

Address by Sh Uthmaan (left) with coordinator of the project, Moulana Faizel Alexander (right)
We pray that Allah accepts these efforts made. May great reward be bestowed upon all who assisted in making this come to fruition. We implore our community to support this initiative in whichever manner they are able to, and to turn to Allah swt and pray that servicing of this community and nurturing of imaan will be accepted by Allah swt.
All enquiries and if the community wishes to contribute, please contact Moulana Faizel Alexander on: 076 375 5610