Regenerative Agriculture

by webXtreme

10 December 2021        

Allah says in the Quran about food: “And a sign for them is the dead earth. We have brought it to life and brought forth from it grain, and from it they eat. And We have placed therein gardens of palm trees and grapevines and have caused to burst forth there from some springs -That they may eat of His fruit. And their hands have not produced it, so will they not be grateful?” [36: 33–35]

Contemporary research studies suggest that land degradation is increasing and threatens the ecosystem. Regenerative agriculture (RA) is one way to restore the imbalances in the environment. It refers to farming principles and practices that use biomass and natural means to improve soil health. The quality of food production is directly related to the condition of the soil and the environment. This model promotes healthy soil and is the foundation of productive, sustainable agriculture.

Organic Garden at the Al-Azhar High School in Athlone

RA offers many benefits that support plant growth which includes nutrient cycling, biological control of plant pests and the regulation of water and air supply. The move to RA is to transition from a traditional way of farming to one that is more sustainable. It allows farmers to restore the damage caused by industrial agriculture and develop a better food system for people, animals, and the environment.

This type of farming enhances the topsoil and causes minimal damage to the land. It has a remarkable ecological benefit and has contributed to a sizable reduction in greenhouse gas emissions which in turn has allowed farmers to establish farms to reduce the impact of climate change.

The key to sustainable food production would be to choose locally produced organic food with the least demand on fossil fuels over non-organic food. Thus, as community members, we should support initiatives and local vendors that promote RA to sustain healthy living, and at the same time contribute to a greener environment

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