Hilaal for shabaan NOT sighted in South Africa

The hilaal for Shabaan was not sighted on Monday evening. Therefore, the 1st Shabaan 1439 will correspond to Wednesday, 18 April 2018.

Ulema and community representatives converged at Sea Point in Cape Town to practice on the sunnah of sighting the moon for the month of Sha’baan.

The Cresent Observers Society of South Africa (maankaikers) shared their experience and gave a practical demonstration on how the moon is sighted.

“Alhamdulillah we are fortunate that we have unity on the Hilaal and are
with the representation of Ulema and community bodies this evening, ” said Moulana Abdul Khaliq Allie, Deputy President of the MJC.

The moon sighting was attended by Mufti Siraaj Desai from Port Elizabeth as well representives from the Muslim Judicial Council, Jamiatul Ulama South Africa, Jamiatul Ulema KZN, Muslim Prison Board, Sanha and Ashraful Uloom