MJC President’s address to the Iftar gathering with State President Cyril Ramaphosa
The Muslim Judicial Council (SA) was proud to host an Iftar dinner with State President Cyril Ramaphosa in Rylands, Cape Town on Wednesday evening.
The Muslim Judicial Council (SA) was proud to host an Iftar dinner with State President Cyril Ramaphosa in Rylands, Cape Town on Wednesday evening.
Assalaamu Alaykoem wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatu — May the peace and blessings of Almighty Allah be Upon you. Allah Almighty says, “O You who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you…
In a show of sympathy at the barbaric and senseless killing of an innocent member of the Verulam community in Durban, the President of the Muslim Judicial Council (SA), Shaykh…
The MJC condemns the murder of 52 Palestinians on Monday and commend the South African government for withdrawing its Ambassador from Israel.
The MJC (SA) and the International Community condemns the United States of America’s moving of its Embassy to the blessed city of Al Quds. Despite international criticism, the United States officially…
The Fatwa Committee of the Muslim Judicial Council is pleased to announce the following quantities and values for Ṣadaqat al-Fiṭr and Fidyah:
Members of the MJC Women’s Forum will be travelling to Turkey this weekend to assist with distribution of relief aid to Syrian Refugees on the Turkey/Syrian border.
The following organizations had an amicable and fruitful meeting at the MJC Offices in Athlone on the 3rd May 2018.